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I recently sat with a successful leader from silicon valley. He was making more money than he ever thought he would make.

His house was beautiful. He was healthy.

So, I asked him, “what do you really want?”

He then told me how he continues to battle with limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and fear of the unknown. He said to me, “what if I lose all of this?”

As I asked deeper and deeper questions, I realized that my client was so focused on the success of the companies he built, he neglected to focus on his own success.

What do I mean by that?

First of all, my hand is raised. I am guilty of doing the same. I can remember putting all my energies and effort into building a company.

Not only did I put my energies there, but I put my self-worth, and my value into the work I was doing. When things went well, I was happy. When things went poorly, I was pissed.

I was on a rollercoaster of emotions. I was investing in areas that were out of my control and unstable, and it was killing me.

As I talked some more with my client, he began to realize he was doing the same. When I asked him what he really wanted, he had a blank face.

He said to me, “I’ve never been able to imagine what I want my life to look like.” I responded with, “perfect, now we can carve out the invisible and make it visible.”

I want to share a recent photo of me and my family.

As you begin to carve out what this year looks like, decide what you really want. This photo of my wife and kids is why I do what I do.

What do I really want?

I want to solve problems for powerful leaders. I want to develop people so they can create the invisible and make it visible. I want to have the freedom to lead my family, love my wife and give my best energy to my kids.

I want to do this every single day.

What about you?

What do you want?

What are you scared to chase after?

What is so big you are afraid to tell others about it?

What is that thing in your heart that you have to get out?

As you take the time to dig into what you really want, I believe you will begin to see the invisible.

And once you see the invisible, it’s just a matter of time and effort for it to become visible for your friends and family to see.

My challenge for you is to go for the impossible.

One of my favorite quotes from Les Brown says, “shoot for the moon, for even if you miss, you land among the stars.”

May God Bless you this year.

I’m praying with you and for you.

If you are serious about developing your life and business, let me know. I am in the process of interviewing my next five powerful clients. Maybe that is for you.

Plus, whenever you are ready - here are 5 more ways you can drastically improve your mindset, increase your revenue as a high performer and look good doing it.

  1. My latest devotional, Think and Grow Wise on Youversion

  2. 1-1 Coaching with me. (Think partnership, trusted advisor)

  3. Coaching devotionals

  4. Grow Podcast

  5. Grab a hoodie or beanie

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