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It’s your 90th Birthday, What would you say?

The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. Thomas Paine

This past weekend our whole family visited Chicago. It was my Grandma's 90th birthday. Her birthday wish was to gather her whole family together. Many of us, traveled from all over the USA to be there. And, to be honest, I had no idea what to expect. I haven’t seen most of my family for almost 10 years.

There was a bit of anxiousness about the whole trip but in the end, it was well worth it. What I remember most was “what” my grandmother said. She poured her heart to us about loving Jesus and our walk with the Lord. She was thankful beyond belief. At the age of 90, this is what she wanted us to remember.

As we hopped back on a plane to head home, I thought about this a lot. I thought about, what I would say if I turned 90? I thought about, who I would want around? I thought about, how would my life be at 90? Yes, very big thoughts and ideas. Ha!

However, I reckon it’s something we should all consider. What do you want your life to be at 90? What would you say to those around you? When your blowing out the candles of your birthday cake, what would you say?

Life happens fast, and without an end in mind, I wonder if we really know where we are going? I wish I had all the answers to this. I know I don’t. But, I do know, if it sticks out to me, maybe it’s something to consider?

Will I have regrets? Will I be at peace? I don’t know for sure.

I have so many thoughts and emotions regarding this weekend. It’s going to take me some time to work some of this out. I’ll be reflecting for a bit on this, and I hope you do to.

Always be learning. a.

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