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The Holy Blueprint: Transforming Your Business Through the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments and your business.

I woke up this morning, reflected, and needed to share this with you.

This past week I’ve been sharing and remixing the Ten Commandments for myself and a few clients.

Read closely.

Jordan Pederson came up with The 12 Rules of Life.

Dale Carnegie forged How to Win Friends and Influence People.

God delivered The Ten Commandments.

While all of these books have been radically transformative for me, let’s zero in on The Ten Commandments.

Today, I only want to focus on the first commandment.

Commandment 1: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

This is such a huge commandment and a clear sign of where to begin.

Just take a second and re-read that commandment.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

In the context of your life and business, I want to remix it and reflect a bit with you. This single commandment can be a HUGE lever for growth.

Below, is the remixed version for you to reflect upon in your own life and business.

Remix: "Thou shalt prioritize the success and growth of thy business above all other interests."

In a business context, the first commandment can be interpreted as a call to prioritize the success of one's company above all other concerns.

This means putting the needs and goals of the business first, ahead of personal interests, distractions, or competing priorities.

Let’s pause here and ask ourselves, “are there other gods before God in my business and work?”

Are your life and business important, absolutely?

Let me ask the question like this, “are you depending more on your effort or your business than you are on God?”

There are two ways to look at this commandment.

The first way is to reflect on where you put your dependence. Is it in your business or God?

The second way to reflect on this commandment is, “Are there other gods or things you are focusing on that have no place in your business?”

If you seek to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, how are you doing this?

What does this look like?

Is it aligned with God?

Is it aligned with your business goals?

Take some time to reflect on the Ten Commandments today and listen for what the Lord is speaking to you.

If you truly want to increase revenue, influence, time, and peace, I want to challenge you to connect to the source of all good things.

Have a blessed day.

God bless.

Anthony Thompson

**If you are serious about getting through this season, and you want to talk about what that could look like, let me know. I have a few openings for new clients who want to invest in their greatness.

***For business owners needing help, let me know. I’d love to learn more about what you are working on, and your goals. This could look more like an advisor for you to increase revenue, time, influence and peace.

Plus, whenever you are ready - here are 5 more ways you can drastically improve your mindset, increase your revenue as a high performer and look good doing it.

  1. My latest devotional, Think and Grow Wise on Youversion

  2. 1-1 Coaching with me. (Think partnership, trusted advisor)

  3. Coaching devotionals

  4. Grow Podcast

  5. Grab a hoodie or beanie

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