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The Blueprint for Success: How High-Level Leaders Can Leverage Their Mindset to Achieve Breakthrough

The other week a client said to me, “I do this for everyone else except myself.”

He was referring to creating a blueprint for himself.

He went on to tell me about the million-dollar companies he built and ran. He shared some of the biggest wins in his career, but now he was discouraged and couldn’t figure out why.

Today, I want to share with you what I shared with him. Most of the problems you are dealing with are entrenched in your mind.

Here is a quote to write down and post it everywhere you go.

“Embrace the best, get rid of the rest.”

When it comes to your mind, it is a daily battle. In fact, it starts out as a minute problem or an hourly problem. Your mind is creating everything you are feeling.

Your mind consistently seeks out a thought and a story to tell you.

Therefore, what you think about is what you become.

When you are discouraged, reflect on what is in your mind.

When you are happy, reflect on what is in your mind.

If you can “embrace the best, and get rid of the rest,” you will be on your way to creating your own blueprint for success. It’s really that simple.

The scriptures tell us in Romans to renew and renovate our minds with God’s Word. If you want courage, what do you need to think about?

If you want to be peaceful, what do you need to think about? Your mind can manufacture whatever you want.

Scriptures tell us, “Anything is possible to those who believe.”

Are you maximizing the incredible gift of a mind that God gave you?

If you are not, what is stopping you?

If you are not, what excuses do you need to eliminate?

If you are not, when will you begin to change that?

Here is another idea to continue to build a growth mindset.

If you have a garden, you water it. Consistent watering of your garden will produce consistent fruit and flowers.

What do you need to water in your mind? Another way to say it is, what do you need to focus on?

Another way to say it is, what do you need to stop watering, and what do you need to start watering?

Whatever you focus on grows. This is a powerful thought and one that works for good or evil.

If you focus on fear, and worry, you will certainly have more fear and worry.

If you focus on peace and joy, you will receive more of that.

If you only focus on the problems at work, you will have more problems.

If you focus only on the negative aspects of your spouse, that is all you will see.

If I was sitting with you right now, I’d ask, “what do you need to start doing right now to grow your mind?”

Let me know … I’m curious.

Praying with you and rooting for you.

God bless - Anthony Thompson

**If you are serious about getting through this season, and you want to talk about what that could look like, let me know. I have one or two openings for new clients who want to invest in their greatness.

***For business owners needing help, let me know. I’d love to learn more about what you are working on and your goals. This could look more like an advisor for you to increase revenue, time, influence, and peace.

Plus, whenever you are ready - here are 4 more ways you can drastically improve your mindset, increase your revenue as a high performer and look good doing it.

  1. My latest devotional, Think and Grow Wise on Youversion

  2. 1-1 Coaching with me. (Think partnership, trusted advisor)

  3. Coaching devotionals

  4. Grow Podcast

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