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How to beat a scarcity mindset. 3 ways to get you living in abundance

Scarcity mindsets are BOOMING! Studies show a scarcity mindset is high in men but even higher in women. The pandemic brought a whole new world of issues to battle. IT'S CRAZY! I want to help because this area attacked me for most of my life. I didn't even really realize I had it. When I did, I pretended I didn't. I always thought of myself as "Mr. Positive", but anxiety, fear, and a scarcity state was controlling me. A scarcity mindset was coined by Stephen Covey in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It basically says, there is not enough to go around. Not enough money. Not enough jobs. Plus, think about what the media does to add to it. They tell you there is not enough water. They tell you the world is going to melt. They tell you there is a recession and a lack of money. They tell you there is a lack of jobs. You not only feel like you don't have enough money, but now your TV, and social media feeds confirm it. This adds more fuel to the fire. So what do you do instead? Let me give you 6 things you can do right now. If this stuff is resonating with you, I want you to consider taking your life to the next level and joining one of my Men or Women group coaching cohorts. Stop wasting time, and start investing in the best version of yourself. #1 is what you think about is what you become. Instead of thinking about what you don't have, begin to think about what you have. Begin to imagine what you are creating and building. See the good, and see God in your life. Abundance is all around you. Find it. Search for it as for hidden treasure. #2 is to flip the script. Instead of having a negative lens on everything, imagine the opposite. What would a positive lens about your bank account look like? Maybe you still have money in your account. Maybe you actually have an account. Maybe you have less money, but still, have savings. Change the way you look at things, and what you look at will change. #3 is working with a pro. If you have a health issue you see a doctor. If you have a learning issue you get a tutor. If you want to get fit, you get a coach. If you want your life to grow, get a coach. Follow your money. You invest in what you believe in. For the sake of time, I'm going to leave the next email for the next three tips. If this resonates with you, reach out and let me know. My Spiritual Accelerator group coaching cohort is designed to destroy scarcity, fear, and anxiety so you can live in abundance and freedom. I'm so confident in the work I produce, if you join and don't like it, take your money back. I simply want to push you to new levels. Reach out and let me know. I'll be waiting for your message. God bless. Coach Anthony Thompson

Plus, whenever you are ready - here are 5 more ways you can drastically improve your mindset and increase your revenue as a high performer.

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