Today I am 42 years old.
As I reflect upon the highs and lows of life, I am humbled.
I am blessed.
I am thankful.
As you get older, you start to really understand, what really matters in life.
I love that line so much, I created some merch around it, "Remember What Matters."
If you need that reminder too, you can check out the merch here.
Here are 10 things I do to help me "Remember What Matters."
Number one is to remember God matters.
Your time with Him matters.
It matters to me so much I don't eat or get out of bed until I spend time with God.
He is the source, and over the years, I have failed at this miserably.
If you want the fruit of the source (love, joy, peace, abundance) you need to be connected to Him.
Number two is to remember your relationships matter.
If you are married, your spouse matters.
This question changed my life and I hope it changes yours, "is your spouse your #1 client?"
Do they have your full attention?
Guys, are you pursuing your wife like you did when you first got married?
When it comes to friends, your friends matter.
Your relationships are like elevator buttons, they will take you up or down.
You can design it, or will be designed for you.
Relationships matter.
Number three is ownership.
Until you take ownership of everything in your life, you will not move forward.
Take ownership of your spirit, soul, mind, and body.
Take ownership of your past.
Take ownership of your present.
Take ownership of your future.
Ownership matters.
The number four thing to remember is wisdom.
Scriptures tell us to seek for wisdom as for hidden treasure.
The more I seek wisdom, the better my life goes.
What about you?
Are you seeking wisdom as much as you are seeking money?
The number five thing you must remember is to not live in the past.
Your past will kill you if you let it.
You must face it, own it, and release it.
Just like addicts learn to let go of bad habits, you need to let go of your past.
Forgive yourself.
Forgive others.
The number six thing you must remember is to forgive.
Jesus gave us the Lord's prayer.
The Lord's prayer is meant to be prayed every day.
Every day you need to ask for forgiveness and learn to forgive others.
Scriptures tell us to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand so He can exalt us in due time.
What do you need to ask forgiveness for right now?
Is there someone you need to forgive?
Do it now, don't wait.
The number seven thing you must remember is to invest in yourself.
If you are a $71 million dollar asset, why don't you see yourself as that valuble?
Why are you not investing yourself as if you were a $71 million dollar asset?
What is holding you back?
Who is holding you back?
Remember what matters in life.
Your life matters. The odds of you being born is 1 in 400 trillion.
Stop living so small.
The number eight thing you must remember is to discover your gifts.
The moment I had concrete evidence of my gifts, everything changed.
I had an idea of what they were, but wasn't so sure.
When I invested in myself and discovered my God-given gifts, my life launched.
The enemy wants to keep you distracted your entire life.
If he can do that, your life will be less than it should have been.
God created you for unique things in this world.
Invest everything you can to discover it.
The number nine thing you must remember is to love.
It's not enough to love those who love you, but to become what St. Francis rights about in his prayer, "an instrument of peace."
Think of yourself in your highest state.
Imagine what love could look like for you.
If God is love and you have God within you then you have all the love you could possibly need.
When you connect to the source, you are connecting to love.
One of the ways to do this is through meditation or reflection in the scriptures.
Allow your quiet time to transform your heart and mind.
Allow it to transform your life.
Welcome love into your life in a new way.
The number ten thing you must remember is to be grateful.
Gratitude unlocks a whole new dimension in life.
When you wake up, be grateful.
When you eat, be grateful.
When you go to bed, be grateful.
When life doesn't go your way, be grateful.
I was recently hit with unexpected items needing to be fixed on my car.
At first, I was bummed about it.
Then, I became grateful for the car I did have and the money to be able to pay for it.
Gratefulness is contagious.
Gratefulness is vitamins to your soul.
Gratefulness is a new perspective on life.
Remember what matters.
Remember what really matters.
I wish you all a beautiful day.
Send love to those around you.
Become an instrument of peace.
Praying with you.
God bless.
Coach Anthony Thompson
P.S. If you need a reminder to "Remember What Matters," check out my store.